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albanian translation services

The Albanian Language

linguists believe that Albanian, the official language of Albania, is the only existing representative of a branch of an Indo- European family language. This makes Albanian a language branch by itself.  In Albania and Kosovo  there are 7.6 million speakers  Small ethnic groups in Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania, and Italy also speak Albanian. There are also small Albanian- speaking populations in Greece, Germany, Sweden, the United States, Ukraine, and Belgium.

The Albanian language originated and evolved from either Illyrian or Thracian, both are extinct Paleo- Balkan languages. Latin has a big influence, with about 85 Latin words surviving in Albanian but not in any other Romance language. In addition, there are 151 Albanian words that were originally Latin, but were not inherited in Romanian. Albanian church terminologies’ phonetics also reflect that they were borrowed from early Latin.

There are also influences from Greek, Slavic and German languages.


Albanian Translation Services: Dialects, Phonetics and Grammar

Albanian has three dialects: Gheg, Tosk, and a third dialect that acts as a transition between the first two. The Shkumbin river that runs through Albania divides the country into the dialects. In the southern part they speak Tsok and in the north the speak Gheg.

There are 7 vowels and 29 consonants in the Standard Albanian language. Albanian also retained the Indo-European Schwa, although it is dropped when a stressed syllable precedes it.

Albanian follows subject- verb- object word order. Gender and number inflect nouns. Genders are feminine, masculine and neuter, while numbers are either singular or plural. There are six noun cases, for five declensions.

The verb structure is a little more complex and analytical, with 6 types of moods and 8 tenses. In addition, conjugation of verbs have 2 types as well.

Get only accurate translation services. Considering how unique the Albanian language is, it is important to get a qualified linguist for your document translation needs.

Language Direct offers Albanian translation services from accredited translators in your local area. Get certified translation for your passport or birth certificate. We also do legal and medical translations.


Here are simple Albanian translations for you:




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